more about it...
Alternative Health Reform for less than
US$ 1 per day!
Brace yourself and read patiently, this is going to shake you up ;-)
We are now taking the responsibility for our health into our own hands!
call is targeted at people who understand the following: Health has
become a commodity almost exclusively serving the interests of global
companies and bloated administrations - for a long time the human being
is not in the centre of attention and care anymore!
Many people
get really sick when they enter the medical system. 70% of health
damages (so called iatrogenic illnesses), are caused by medical
interventions which then themselves require further medical treatments
(clever!!). These are occurring through taking medicines and so called
'scientifically recognised' procedures and therapeutic measures (the
side effects of medications and their cost intensive 'repairs' remind
one more of a car workshop than of dealing with life forms who have a
What prevents the doctor from earning a crust?
A) Health
B) Death
That's why the doctor keeps us between A and B
That's a bit cynical but accurately describes our health system.
The human body is not a machine!
'modern' medicine with it's purely physical approach practices on
living and inspired people - and can only detect and work on isolated
functions of the organism with active agents which reminds us of the
spare parts administration of a car workshop.
We regard this as
playing in a sand pit: Specialists (trade idiots) whose education is
based on studying dead bodies and who have long lost contact to what
LIFE is are prescribing chemical rubbish which is ineffective 80% of the
time and mostly toxic to the complex system called 'Human'.
If you are in agreement with us then: WELCOME to the Revolution!
study this information thoroughly. It can determine your future -
whether you are progressing on your personal life journey in a healthy,
vital and happy way or whether you are exposed to the increasing
pollution of our highly technological environment without protection.
exaggeration? Admittedly we are asking a lot from our readers of this
article - its content far exceeds what is commonly being accepted today.
But please read on if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones
from one of the gravest dangers for your well-being. Grave because many
of these dangers cannot be detected with our five senses until you feel
their seemingly unstoppable effects.
We have for many years -
together with experts in many areas - studied these dangers and have
developed solutions. For the first time we are making these findings and
solutions available to the public.
this article we wish you a lot of aha!-moments but also the courage to
become aware and take responsibility for your own well-being.
Come along with us step by step to a new understanding of the possibilities to stabilise your well-being.
The 'user manual'
you ever tried to cook a four course meal - without a recipe book? Or
tried to build a house - without a plan? Or tried to screw together a
flat packed entertainment unit - without instructions? For a
professional this is probably not a big deal but people like you and me
are pretty helpless without instructions. We all know this.
Why should our body be different?
the following situation: Our body with its millions of simultaneously
running functions and processes is more and more confrontedwith an
increasing amount of 'processing requests'.
You are asking what does it have to process?
thousands of years our organism has adapted to our environment: -
changes in temperature are balanced - food from mother nature is
metabolised - healing occurred through the knowledge of herbs - the air
was clean and the water fresh.
Now take a look at the current
situation to which we humans have been exposed to for the past few
decades: Suddenly our organism has to cope also with an ever increasing
amount of artificially and technically produced radiation and
manipulated substances.
Pulsed high frequency radiation (which
does not occur in nature) from thousands of mobile phone antennas,
appliances which produce electro-smog, foods which have lost most of its
nutrition through chemical fertilizers and sprays and the medical
industry is showing us the flip side of the coin - studies prove, that
in the US over 70% of all illnesses are 'iatrogenic' which means
illnesses that are a side effect of medical treatment! - the air and
water are full of contaminants which are absorbed and stored in our
tissue - and so on...
The miracle of our body can react to
changes in the environment only for so long - but eventually it becomes
too much and the body goes on strike. A little ailment here and the
breakdown of an organ there and hey presto we quickly pop some pills
that only suppress the symptoms rather than produce real healing. With
the result that the body now has to deal with that overload and try to
get rid of. It is almost always an overload of bio incompatible
For a reasonably long amount of time our organism
can store or eliminate these incompatible foreign frequencies. But at
some point this is no longer possible - the organ or whole organism
collapses. The timing obviously differs from person to person and is
depending on many factors like your personal constitution, genes,
previous illnesses, stress, nutrition, fitness etc. But at some point in
time the collapse will occur like the 'Amen' in church.
Can we age in peace and dignity by maintaining nearly optimum health and fitness?
Admittedly this question cannot be answered with a certain Yes or No.
But we can report our experiences over the past few years.
Biological training
have discovered over many years of research together with experienced
doctors, naturopaths physicists and biologists that it is possible to
train the organism holistically to better deal with the extra overload!
we are coming back to the example of the recipe book. Our body can
learn how to positively deal with negative and bio incompatible
frequencies in our environment.
But: HOW?
A prerequisite
is a 'instruction manual': The body needs to be precisely informed on
all the steps. We state in advance here that ALL of our test persons
have not fallen ill to any serious disease! Many have been healed from
chronic illnesses or at least any further deterioration has been
To achieve this we have developed a program which in
itself unites the different phases, which cross support and interact
with each other.
The basis of the program is:
Relief of the organism (protection from negative frequencies)
Slow release of foreign frequencies
Learning how to transform foreign frequencies (biological compatibility)
Stabilisation of the field of information (the organism is constantly informed on how to strengthen its immune system)
Reactivation of the body's own matrix (the activation of the 'optimum health' state as originally programmed in your DNA)
Group stabilisation (taking into consideration the exponentially increasing effect which happens when many people 'train' together)
- Special Arthritis Urica Nosode program - reversing the frequencies of all forms of Arthritis
Too complex? Too complicated?
Not really!
'PRO LIFE' Information
have found simple but very effective solutions to all the program
points mentioned above. The solutions are holistic in that they are
integrating with each other rather than just one program following
another. Like in the analogy of the 4 course meal, we don't just finish
one thing after another but rather while something is cooking in the
oven we prepare the vegetables, put the dessert in the freezer, boil the
water for the pasta, set the table, grab some fresh herbs from the
garden for garnishing etc. All based on the recipe and plan so that when
everything comes together we can relax and sit down to enjoy a great
Only when the program integrates and multi-tasks all the points
above into a 'Big Whole' in order to protect your organism you will get
the energetic relief.
From measurements with electro acupuncture
we know of the incredible amount of energy your body needs to generate
to counteract the burdening frequencies - until it can do no more.
if the above mentioned measures of protection are initiated your body
(every cell and every bodily function) can orient itself on its original
state. The body can
actually 'retrieve' the original state at any time from the information
stored in the DNA, but too often the impact of the mentioned
environmental influences is too great.
So the first step
is to systematically eliminate the amount of toxic frequencies and to
teach the body how to deal with new incoming frequencies. At the same
time your body will receive (via the resonance principle) life
supporting and immune system strengthening information spectra.
Many hours on a daily basis!!
How does it work?
we said before all people who are taking part in our 'resonance
training program' have not fallen ill for years (ok, some still get a
cold every now and then or a fever or something else minor, these
'illnesses' are quite helpful for the body to do a regular clean out and
are nothing to worry about if we allow the body to go through the
process without interference). Of course this statement is not a future
guarantee and the facts have been established empirically based on our
member's feedback.
Modern medicine unfortunately only slowly and
unwillingly accepts that the principle of life is based on a highly
complex field of order.
To stay with the example of the 4 course
meal: the chef has already an idea (immaterial phase) of the meal he/she
wants to prepare. With buying the ingredients the chef approaches the
material phase and with preparing and cooking the meal the material
phase concludes. But without the intention/immaterial phase and the
desire to have a meal on the table the whole process would not occur.
this example your intention/desire to cook represents the field of
order of your organism - and the finished meal represents the desired
state of your body (as perfect as possible!)
Now please imagine
how you can be disturbed while cooking: the phone rings, the kids run
into the house with dirty shoes, a package is being delivered, the wind
rattles the windows, the smoke detector goes off when you open the oven
etc. etc.
You constantly have to interrupt what your intention is
- cooking - to deal with these environmental influences. Everybody
knows: nothing good comes from this certainly nothing optimal. That's
exactly what happens to the body! The body intends to maintain optimum health but is constantly interrupted doing so.
your body runs mostly on an emergency program (fish fingers with mashed
potatoes) instead of vitalisation and re-ordering from the inside out.
No vitamins or short holidays will help - the inner system of order is reaching meltdown.
Here our program comes in with a new approach. Far away from any known medical treatments...
The principle of resonance
a specially developed resonance which combines the latest knowledge of
quantum physics with the old healing knowledge of aboriginal people your
organism learns to focus on the most important aspects: to maintain
health and increase the vitality of the organism on all levels.
Physical, psychological, spiritual.
is especially important for people over 35+ years of age. For younger
people the program is a great prevention for future over reactions.
please don't expect immediate results. This program is designed to
persistently over many months and even years train your organism to
establish optimum health and well-being well into old age.
many months and even years? Yes, because it does not cure symptoms - the
whole program has absolutely nothing to do with medicine but rather is
an offer of pure information for learning about how to deal positively
with damaging frequencies.
As mentioned before: comparable with
an instruction manual or a recipe book for your organism. This way you
will learn systematically how to use the 'right' instructions
immediately to increase your well-being. This has been proven with
hundreds of people over many years.
Is this learning phase completed at some stage?
really because we are constantly optimising and extending the
information transmission to current occasions requiring adaptation. For
example currently - and no one knows why - there is a slow increase in radioactivity in our environment.
Plastics including eyeglass frames, dental material and even some
medication (including homeopathic) have according to scientific testing
shown increasing (although low) radiation.
We immediately reacted
to this situation and developed with our bio information technology a
new information carrier which neutralised this radiation (Expert opinion
on low intensity radiation, B. Schablitz, Berlin, Germany).
information carriers are a part of our program and complement the daily
(five times per week for over 5 hours per day) transmission via
resonance into your personal field of order.
There cannot be any side effects like with medicines or medical procedures!
organism only uses the appropriate information required. (If you want
to bake a banana cake you don't open the page with the recipe for
spaghetti bolognese ;-)
This capacity to filter out and select
the appropriate information is called resonance. And this way your
organism (the field of order) through resonance automatically picks the
necessary information units and uses these in the best way.
What happens exactly?
As mentioned this is a holistic and interactive program. And it makes use of a very interesting effect: the group resonance.
The 'magnifying group effect'
7 years ago when we started to experimentally send healing information
directly via a photograph of our volunteers we noticed varied results.
Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.
More by accident we
found out that the effect of the information sent was more effective and
stable when a larger group of people at the same time were dealing with
the same issue. When we sent a specific information spectrum - e.g. the
neutralisation of allergies - the effect was much more positive when it
was sent to a group of at least 30 -100 people.
This was also
verified through testing with bio-resonance and kinesiology. So we kept
on experimenting and found out that since the transmission to the energy
bodies of the selected group no one got seriously ill anymore even if
there was a genetic endowment for specific illnesses.
immune system was and still is highly intact - even if some people
experienced an initial worsening of their condition (healing crisis -
sometimes it gets worse before it gets better - a known effect of
healing). The condition then disappeared gently and swiftly.
"Why not make this wonderful effect available to many more people?"
we asked ourselves and started to develop this revolutionary concept.
As a real chance for you as an awake and intelligent person who fully
realises the necessity to protect yourself and your family energetically
from the many negative influences on a multi dimensional level thus
keeping your energy body stable.
The information package
program of this special resonating information transmission to the
energy body contains such a plethora of selected and finely tuned themes
for the organism that it is impossible to list them all in detail
(there are over 5,000 information spectra).
The themes are as follows:
Strengthening of the immune system
Support of all organ functions
The muscular and skeletal system
The heart circulation
The blood and lymphatic system
The secretion of toxins
Soft release of possibly existing negative structures
Regeneration of cell tissue
And many many more!
further information essences were added which were given to us by a
professor of biology who has done many years of research and who has
confirmed our approach 100%. Read the whole story of Prof. Dr. Svoboda's gift next page.
course we fully take into consideration the multi dimensional aspect of
being human and we don't interfere with possibly necessary processes
(human learning experience)! These chosen learning experiences however
in many cases take a much milder course as has been confirmed to us.
Quantum leap into the future
fantastic possibility of the magnifying effect of the stimulation of
the self healing powers together with many people at the same time and daily (!)
is a further quantum leap into your future. The manipulative and
poisoning environmental effects (toxic frequencies) can no longer reach
You are invited!
The above mentioned information spectra (many thousands) are transmitted via your photograph by resonance on at least 5 days per week for 15 hours per day.
And it doesn't matter whether you live in the United States, the Philippines or Canada!
the resonance of the transmission via your personal photo the
information reaches you always - your field of order will recognise and
initiate the self regulation process. The photo acts as the delivery
address for the information transmission. Remember that in the quantum
world everything is connected beyond space and time.
You now have just arrived at one of the most astounding Arthritis info sites on the web!
BUT this is no overpaid, overloaded, overdesigned site so please bear with us. This site is for people who are really interested in background information and for people who have not yet forgotten how to read! All texts have been translated from German (where the technology was developed over the past 20 years) and none of us has studied English at Oxford or Cambridge University ;-)
SO - expect INFORMATION (in a double sense as you will see) and not ENTERTAINMENT!